How To Inspire

If your actions inspire others to dream more, learn more, do more, and become more, you are a leader. We can hold those we know to high standards, but don‘t expect them to get there overnight. Don‘t give them praise only to endear them to you.

Praise progress, it will give a lilt to their step and they will love you for it. Talk less and listen more. Empathize with everyone at a genuine level. People have creative minds. Let their inspiration benefit you too.

Invite new ideas, small ones and big ones and award the best ideas, however tiny they may be. Remember, inspire means take in breath and also give life to. When every member of the community gives and takes, breathes in and out, there will be growth.

Businesses and individuals can do something about the negative influences in the communities if only we will, and the simplicity of what we can do should not be overlooked or dismissed! As shown at the top of the previous page, every business or individual can put a positive message on the back of a business card!

Also, simply share, promote, and/or sponsor this free success workshop as much as possible and keep reminding ourselves and our youngsters of the "Success Steps That Never Fail!" which can be memorized as follows:

What do you want to Be, Do, and Have?
Write it, Affirm it with Enthusiasm,
and Visualize it Every Day!
LOVE your Vision, have FAITH in it,
and give THANKS!

You get more of what you want by helping enough people get more of what they want. The workshop is designed to inspire individuals to tap the higher dimension of themselves and to remind ourselves and others that we have the power to create our own visions to achieve our desires for good. It can include good health, financial freedom, love, success, and happiness.

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